Hi everyone!  Thanks so much for paying my blog a visit.  I started this blog because I really just wanted pretty photos.  I follow so many fashion bloggers and they all have such amazing photos that they can look back on through the years.  I have none of that, unless you count for my college days of being a paparazzi with my girlfriends.  I hope you enjoy visiting it and please let me know your thoughts!

A little about myself:

1. My name is Sotiria.
2. My name means salvation.
3. My background is Greek.
4. I also speak Greek.
5. I am born, raised, and currently live in NYC.
6. I have a degree in Health Science.
7. I love photography.
8. I started several fashion companies including Relax Missy and StyleScan.
9. StyleScan is a fashion photo sharing app in the Apple App store.  Click here to download!
The cool thing about it is that you can scan a barcode while shopping and view photos on how to wear that item!  We also have a website here.

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